
Great News For Healthy Living

December 8th, 2011 No Comments   Posted in Healthy Living

In these economic times, it can be easy to feel a little down. We all like to do things for ourselves for a good pick-me-up such as, the latte, the mani/pedi hour or a great new hairstyle. Other folks like an escape with lottery tickets, sodas and cigarettes. Everyone has a secret pleasure whether it is texting friends on a cell phone or better yet a new cell phone to escape or renting movies. Life is great fun whether it is escaping or living just to get away from bad news.

I’ve been practicing dentistry for 15 years in the Southern Crescent Area and I love it. My mission in life is to help others claim their self-esteem. The best pick-me-up there can be is having a great feeling by someone telling you everything is going to be okay, you are in a safe place and make you feel good by focusing on the most important person in your life – You. Your needs and wants are put in front of all else.

This is what a trip to the dentist could make you feel.

Sometimes it is easy to avoid the dentist by the excuses everyone has – too busy, too expensive and “I don’t have dental insurance”. Sometimes there are other reasons such as fear; embarrassment or we just don’t know whom to trust. Do you know someone in this situation?

Let’s face it; we can all “clean” our teeth ourselves without any profession help, right? The answer is YES, and quite honestly no for some. Everyone has different risk factors in not having a professional cleaning performed regularly. For some, I have seen 20 years without dental care without extensive problems and it is amazing when that does happen.

Maintenance in everything from cars, fitness and lawn is essential in keeping things running correctly.

Oil changes and tire rotations are essential and the life expectancy of owning a car may be seven years. You wouldn’t just put gas in the car until it stopped running if you wanted to keep it in great shape, would you? It is so much cheaper to keep up with maintenance than to keep having breakdowns and car insurance doesn’t pay for repairs or maintenance.

Regular professional dental cleanings perform much more than buffing the stains from your teeth. Early insights to problems such as decay or gum disease caught are substantially less costly. What does a professional dental cleaning cost? It may cost the price of highlights at a mid-level salon or the cost of a family dinner at a moderately priced restaurant. The effects from a sound peace of mind are priceless. Choose health, you will be glad you did.

Dr. Linda King (Kohl) DDS, MAGD is a general dentist focusing on adult restorative dentistry. She has been practicing in her Locust Grove office since 1997. She is one of the youngest female dentists to attain her Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry, an award that only 2% of dentists attain in the country. She is a graduate of the Medical College of Virginia’s dental school and attends hundreds of hours of continuing education in order to best service her clientele 30 miles south of Atlanta in Charming Locust Grove, Georgia. More information is available at

Acne Adult Home Remedy – 5 Great Guides For You

December 6th, 2011 No Comments   Posted in Home Remedies

Article by Patric Ozim

Though acne generally starts affecting one from the teenage years, however, fir most people it continues into the late twenties. In fact there are many much older persons suffering from one stage of acne to another. Seeking acne adult home remedy is thus one of most common solutions that people are searching for to combat this skin imperfections. Now, in this article I shall provide you 5 indications for the best home remedy for adult acne.

Before you settle on any type of acne adult home remedy let me state that the best form of acne adult home remedy is naturally based acne adult home remedy. Are you wondering why? Let us consider few points now.

Your skin is your largest organ. This may surprise you but it’s true. Through you skin pores, toxic wastes are eliminated. Therefore, if your pores get clogged infection come on. In the same vein, if you are lacking certain nutrients that are naturally assigned to eliminate excess debris, then there would be inflammation and infection, which normally leads to acne occurrence.

With these proven facts, you can now see why you must consider acne adult home remedy that is natural based that ensure the following benefits for you:

1. No side effects. Many acne adult home remedy product cause various side effects long after treatment. Though some may eventually be effective in curing acne, but I am sure you don’t want to face hazards to your health.

2. Nutrients giving. Would you prefer an acne adult home remedy that can help you replace lost nutrients to acne adult home remedy that can’t? I am sure the answer is obvious. It’s better to consider one that’ll replace lost nutrients that naturally eliminate excess debris form your skin as well as combating the acne problems

3. Inside and outside cleansing. Though acne is seen on your skin, but it germinate right from inside. So a acne adult home remedy that take the fight straight to their base and flush the bacteria out is most ideal. The benefit of this to you is that the acne adult home remedy would have succeeded in doing final damage to the acne, thereby leaving your skin to glow once again.

4. Permanently cure acne. It may interest you to know that no every acne adult home remedy can cure acne once for all. However, with little research you can find a naturally-based acne adult home remedy that will help you final good bye to acne – never to be seen again!

5. Impact freshness to your skin. What benefit would an acne adult home remedy if it can’t help your skin recover to its natural state of beauty and succulence? With a proven acne adult home remedy of natural ingredients you can be rest assure that even long after treatment, your skin will become the cynosure of all eyes.

With these 5 indications about the benefits of an all natural home remedy for adult acne, I believed you can now be able to decipher and make better decision based on your choice. However, you can check out why Clearpores is reputed as the best of acne adult home remedy on the market. Click here now: Good luck to you!

Would you want a FREE resource with daily updated ideas, tips, analysis and recommendation about natural solution for acne? Click here now: Also see this acne review:

The Great Benefits of Organic Food

December 1st, 2011 No Comments   Posted in Organic

Article by Jen Watson

The benefits of eating organic foods are numerous. With it becoming more and more popular to eat organically, it is becoming easier and a little more affordable to purchase organic foods. Local farmers’ markets, health food stores, and even Walmart cater to those who eat organically.

Organic crops mean the foods are grown in safe soil, without any additives or alterations. Organic livestock means that the meats you eat have been fed organic ally and have had lived naturally (i.e., outdoor). While many foods are deemed “organic,” only those which meet the above criteria are stamped with the USDA approval for organic. In stores, you can be assured that foods with the USDA Organic sticker are at least ninety percent organic.

Support local farmers

Because most organic foods are grown and sold locally, it promotes and supports farmers in your surrounding area. With a drastic drop in people living on farms, this helps keep the remaining farmers in business. Supporting local farmers also encourages less government intervention in the foods you eat. By purchasing foods from organic farmers, it sends a statement that you are willing to pay a little more in order to be healthy and refuse to have interference on what is sprayed on fruits and vegetables and fed to animals.


Organically grown foods also benefit our environment in many important ways. One is it helps keep our water safe to drink. Water is the most important liquid on the earth, and it is vital to ensure its purity. When pesticides sprayed onto plants and medicated animals defecate, these harmful chemicals make their ways into the water system. With organic farming, this does not occur, and plays an important part in keeping water clean for our ecosystem.

It follows if our water is affected by chemical processes, then the soil is as well. If the soil is contaminated, then whatever feeds off of it or is grown in it has the likelihood of being polluted. This also means organic foods make it safer for wildlife.

Higher nutrient levels

Whether or not organic foods have higher nutrient levels than treated foods is a highly debated topic. However, many treated foods give the appearance of being more nutritious because they are bigger. Do not be deserved by size, though. Most treated fruits and vegetables are larger due to a higher content of water. While organics are smaller, they still are packed with nutrients-just minus the deceptive water size.

Absence of food colorings

Many treated foods have vibrant, healthy-looking colors. However, you bite into them only to find that they are either over-ripe or under-ripe. In these cases, food colorings have been added to the fruit or vegetables to make them appear healthy and convince you to purchase them. Organic foods do not have food colorings. What you see sitting in front of you is exactly what you are getting.

Better taste

If you are only going for taste, organically grown foods have a much richer taste than treated foods. Most organic foods are fresh because they are usually locally grown. The majority of people will agree that fresh foods are hands down significantly more lush and tasty than preserved foods. Plus, because organic foods do not have all the additives and are instead grown as they were originally meant to be, they taste better.

No pesticides

Even after you have washed or even peeled foods which have been previously treated with pesticides, there can still be a remnant of pesticides left which can affect you. The Environmental Working Group has studied the effect of pesticides on foods and has determined the top twelve fruits and vegetables which are the most effected by pesticides. In order from highest, they are apples, bell peppers, carrots, celery, cherries, imported grapes, kale, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, pears, and strawberries.

Pesticides build up inside your body and create health problems, which can progressively grow as you eat more and more non-organic foods over the years. Problems which can occur include birth defects, and headaches. Babies, children, and pregnant women are especially prone to pesticide-related health issues. Because pesticides add stress to already weak immune systems (such as in babies or pregnant women), the chance to get sick is much easier. Pregnant women also need to be aware that pesticide-treated foods which they eat can also be transmitted to their child while pregnant or nursing.

By eating organic foods, you can rest assured that they are free from pesticides.

No antibiotics

Antibiotics are commonly injected into animals. These antibiotics can then be transferred into your body when you eat the meat. A bombardment of antibiotics actually makes your body immune to the effects of antibiotics. Consequently, when you need to take antibiotics to fight disease, your body is unable to use them.

Organic farmers who raise cattle or chickens or other animals for meat feed their animals natural foods the way they were originally meant to eat, and they do no inject antibiotics. Consequently, meats coming from organic farms are free from antibiotics.

No hormones

To meet the high demand for meat, commercial, non-organic farms give their animals hormone-injected feed in order to make them grow bigger and faster. While this may work for production, it translates into your children’s hormones maturing faster.

As organic farmers do not use antibiotics, they also allow their animals to grow naturally. No problems with hormones with organic meat.

More antioxidants

Non-organic foods have fewer antioxidants than organic foods. This is because the longer foods sit out in the store, the less antioxidants left. Organic foods are fresh and must be eaten faster. Consequently, they are higher in antioxidants.

Antioxidants help boost your health, including fighting heart disease. There are even studies which seem to indicate that antioxidants can fight cancer.

Reduce health risks

Obviously, if there are not pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics treated into your foods, the benefits of avoiding these products will help you avoid many debilitating-if not deadly-health risks. While many people will argue there is not that big of a difference in health risks between organic and treated foods, there have not been definite studies to show that the treated substances put into our foods are not detrimental in the long run. By purchasing organic foods, you steer clear of the possibility of harming your family’s and your health.


Knowledge is power. By knowing what we are purchasing, by what we are putting into our bodies, we have the ability to choose how to protect our health and lifestyles.

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