Do Acne Home Remedies Really Work? The Answer May Surprise You

December 4th, 2011 Posted in Home Remedies

Article by Stan Bannister

What Counts As An Acne Home Remedy?

Anyone who has suffered from acne has at least thought about trying some home remedies to treat their acne. And why not? It’s certainly less expensive than making a trip to the dermatologist. There is a lot of information on the Internet about acne home remedies, but what really counts as a home remedy? Well, that depends on how you want to look at it.

Broadly, I would say an acne home remedy is anything you do or use to treat your acne that wasn’t specifically manufactured for the purpose of treating acne. This could include anything from eating certain foods and drinking lots of water to making your own elaborate concoctions to put on your face. If you wish to be more rigid in your definition, much of what you read about acne home remedies is going to be about natural plants and herbs that may have some acne fighting property to them.

Common Acne Home Remedies

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of acne home remedies floating around out there. You’ve likely heard, or even tried, several of them. These remedies get passed down from generation to generation and some end up being more popular than others. Who knows what causes one remedy to be proliferated more than another, but it doesn’t always seem to have anything to do with the effectiveness of the remedy. Whatever the reason for their popularity, here are a few acne home remedy ingredients that you may have heard about.

* Peppermint * Aloe Vera * Oatmeal * Lemon Juice

Nearly all acne home remedies have a recipe and require some form of preparation, so don’t just start applying these things to your face at random. Of course, you are free to experiment with your own home remedies, but it is in all probability best to stick with things that other people have already tried.

Do They Work?

Your skin is unique to you. The way it reacts to certain ingredients will be different than the way someone else’s skin reacts. For that reason, it is tricky to say if any particular acne home remedy works or not. The proper question is will they work for you.

Let me give you an example. One home remedy that I have heard of involves making a paste out of honey and cinnamon powder and then applying the paste to the skin. This probably worked great for someone or else I most likely would not have heard about it. On the other hand, I have a friend who breaks out into giant hives if he gets anywhere near cinnamon. Obviously, this remedy would not work for him. This may be an abnormal example, but it makes my point. You may not be allergic to anything, but the point here is that the healing attributes of a specific ingredient may work well for one person and have absolutely no effect on you what so ever.

They key with acne home remedies is to be careful and experiment until you incur something that works for you. Most treatments require some time before you see any positive results, so have patients. If you try a different home remedy everyday, you will have no idea what worked and what didn’t. The best thing you can do is learn about all the home remedies you can and then go through them systematically until you incur something that functions well for your skin.

To be fully armed in the difficult battle against acne, there is no better weapon than a complete education. Learn as much as you can pertaining to acne and you will be well on your way to clean and clear skin.

NEXT… Learn how you can finally cure any medical issues, diseases and more – CLICK => All Natural and Effective Remedies

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